Marketing services in South Africa

Our Services

We offer a variety of Marketing services in South Africa to run a market campaign that is custom made for your companies needs. 

Want to Drive More Traffic To Your Business?

At Majuba marketing we understand that  the most effective ways to drive more traffic to your business is by implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy. This includes optimizing your website for search engines, conducting keyword research, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks. Social media  can also drive traffic to your business.

It’s also important to analyze and track your brands image. Data and insights must be used to make informed decisions to make sure your brand is heading in the right direction.

Marketing Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is, You Have Options.

Brand Design & Strategy

Your brand is more that a logo .We review and refine your strategy according to your brand to keep you one step ahead .


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Your brand is more than just a logo, it’s the visual representation of your business and what it stands for. We understand the importance of creating a strong and consistent brand identity that your target audience will identify with . We help you develop a visual style that reflects your brand’s personality and values. We will work with you to create a marketin that represents your business in the best possible way.

Social Media Management

Clients purchase brands they recognize .Social Media is important to get your brand visible to the public.

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 By us regularly posting on social media platforms and engaging with followers, we can increase brand awareness and promote their products or services to a wider audience. Social media can help build stronger relationships and attract new clients. By tracking key metrics such as followers, likes, shares, and engagement, we can help clients measure the return on investment of their social media efforts and make data-driven decisions about future strategies.

Audience Analytics

Numbers make the world go round .We go through the numbers in order to optimize your user experience.


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 By analyzing audience data, you can help identify the demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points of your clients’ target audience. This information can be used to create more effective marketing campaigns and to target the right audience with the right message, increasing the chances of conversion.  Overall, audience analytics can help your clients to better understand and connect with their target audience, drive more sales, and improve the overall ROI of their marketing efforts.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization determines your position with Google and online searches with SEO.

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Visibility is everything for a upcoming brand .If your page ranks high on google you are more likely to be seen by potential clients. We will try our best to get you on top .


Let us craft persuasive and engaging content for your advertising campaigns.


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Language is a powerful tool limited only only to the speaker  . By using persuasive language and highlighting the benefits of their products or services, we can easily increase conversions and drive more traffic to your business. Clear and accurate information can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. Consistently using a specific tone and style in copywriting can also help create a strong brand identity for the client and increase awareness of their products or services.

Review and Feedback

Change is the only thing that is constant therefore we depend on reviews and feedback to improve your business .

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Reviews and feedback gives us valuable insights into the business.  By regularly collecting and analyzing customer reviews and feedback, you can help identify areas where a client’s products or services are excelling, as well as areas that need improvement. This can help the client make necessary changes to keep the clients satisfied. Change is constant every business must adapt and adjust the marketing strategies by making use of the reviews and feedback. 

Website Development

Clean website development SEO ready, for all businesses.we design website that are user friendly and optimized for mobile use


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A website is essential for any business in improving your  businesses. A well-designed and user-friendly website can be a powerful tool for attracting and converting potential customers. A website that effectively showcases their products or services, making it easy for potential customers to learn more and take action. Features like clear calls-to-action, streamlined navigation, and intuitive forms can help increase the chances of converting website visitors into customers.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a effective way of building a brand and bringing in new clients .

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By building a targeted email list and regularly sending out relevant and engaging content, you can help increase brand awareness and drive more sales.